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TRIGONOMETRY IDENTITIES Calculation of trigonometric ratios for specific angles establish some identities are called Trigonometry identities. Or can be say that an equation involving trigonometric ratios of an angle is called a trigonometry identity . SIN A = 1/COSEC A COS A = 1/SEC A TAN A = 1/COT A OR SIN A / COS A COT A = 1/TAN A OR COS A / SIN A SEC A = 1/COS A COSEC A = 1/SIN A COS 2 A+ SIN 2 A = 1 OR SIN ²A + COS²A =1 SEC 2 A - TAN 2 A = 1 OR 1+ TAN 2 A = SEC 2 A 1+COT 2 A= COSEC 2 AOR COSEC 2 A-COT 2 A=1 ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION Ø SIN (A+B) = SINACOSB +COSASINB Ø SIN (A-B) = SINACOSB – COSASINB Ø COS (A+B) = COSACOSB – SINASINB Ø COS (A-B) = COSACOSB + SINASINB Ø TAN (A+B) =TANA + TANB/1-TANATANB Ø TAN (A-B) = TANA-TANB/1 +TANATANB Ø COT (A-...
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