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 ADDITION,SUBTRACTION,MULTIPLICATION,DIVISION Addition 3 + 2 = 5 with apples, a popular choice in textbooks Addition   (usually signified by the plus symbol  + ) is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, the other three being subtraction, multiplication and division. The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount or  sum  of those values combined. The example in the adjacent image shows a combination of three apples and two apples, making a total of five apples. This observation is equivalent to the mathematical expression  "3 + 2 = 5"  (that is, "3  plus  2 is equal to 5"). Besides counting items, addition can also be defined and executed without referring to concrete objects, using abstractions called numbers instead, such as integers, real numbers and complex numbers. Addition belongs to arithmetic, a branch of mathematics. In algebra, another area of mathematics, addition can also be performed on abstract objects such as vectors, matrices


 ANAND KUMAR   Anand Kumar   (born 1 January 1973) is an Indian Mathematics  educator  best known for his  Super 30  programme, which he started in  Patna ,  Bihar  in 2002, and which coaches underprivileged students for  JEE - Advanced , the entrance examination for the  Indian Institutes of Technology  ( IITs ). By 2018, 422 out of 510 students had made it to the IITs and  Discovery Channel  showcased his work in a documentary. Kumar has spoken at  MIT  and  Harvard  about his programs for students from the underprivileged sections of Indian society.  Kumar and his school have been the subject of several  smear campaigns , some of which have been carried in Indian media sources. His life and work are portrayed in the 2019 film,  Super 30 , where Kumar is played by  Hrithik Roshan . Early life Anand Kumar was born in Bihar, India. His father was a clerk in the postal department of India. His father could not afford private schooling for his children, and Anand attended a  Hindi  medi